Story #1369

When I came out, I came out to my cousin first, my sister, and on Facebook to family and friends after graduating high school. 35 likes, positive comments, and 2 hugs from my mom and dad who I love more than anything. (21/Gay)

Story #1364

When I came out to my friends, they were all very accepting. I expected to be the token gay friend and wasn’t surprised to learn I was. There are literally no queer girls at my school, so I guess I basically won’t date until college.

Story #1360

When I came out, I wrote “I’m gay” on my wall that has a rainbow. My dad didn’t care; my mom questioned me but said she’s fine with it, then asked me if I had any crushes on girls. (Asexual lesbian)

Story #1357

When I came out no one really cared. I told half my school and only 3 or 4 people hated me after. When I first told my friend I said, “im gay lol.” Him being the legend that he is responds with, “k lol.”

Story #1356

When I came out it was to my best friend (male) via text. His reaction was that of shock and this caused me to be nervous to the point of having panic attacks the next day. He reassured me it was cool though and we are still best friends over a year later (M/21/Gay)

Story #1351

When I came out to a friend for the first time, I actually got so relieved I decided to tell someone else. My “logic” was that I should tell this guy I was friends with—but he’d been a homophobe—to either accept it or get out of my life. Thankfully, he’d changed and was really accepting, what’d you know. I haven’t told my parents yet cause I don’t want to talk about sex with them, but I know they will be cool about it. (M/17/Gay)

Story #1350

When I came out to my mom last night with my dad it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for. She didn’t seem to happy about it and she kept questioning why I had these “feelings.” You could say the same thing for straight people and then she got all defensive and said that my feelings weren’t normal. She said she loved me , but I didn’t feel love. I’m just going to keep doing me though. (M/15/Gay)

Story #1349

When I came out to my parents on National Coming Out Day, I was terrified. My parents are both pastors, so I was afraid that they would reject me and take it badly. When I finally got the courage to say the two simple words, my parents reacted far better than I expected. They completely accepted me and told me that they had thought that I may be LGBT in the past. I guess things do typically turn out okay in the end, even if it looks hopeless. (M/12/Gay)