When I came out it was just to my friends. My parents are homophobic, so I didn’t know that girls and girls were accepted. In 7th grade I found out I like girls and told a few friends. I’m in 9th now and gave a letter to my crush at the beginning of the year and got humiliated by all of the people in theatre. Now I have a crush on my best friend. (F/14/Lesbian)
Story #2696
When I came out, it was a bit rough since I was already deemed a disappointment to my parents for being a teen parent. When they figured out that I was lesbian by going through my desk, they were clearly upset. But I didn’t let that stop me from pursuing my dreams. Now, I’m a therapist helping people who are going through tough times. To those who wish to come out, be brave and confident! (F/27/Lesbian)
Story #2693
When I came out I was 14, but instead of being my full true self I had to identify as bi and go back into hiding. It was badddd; my mother literally grounded me for saying I liked girls. A few years go by and I date a guy for 1 week on the dot; I think I was 17, but I told him I couldn’t do it cause it was gross to me. I came out to my cousin and she said she already knew, then slowly again told my mother after being in a relationship with a girl for 3 months. I still hadn’t told my dad at that point, but finally told him at the beginning of my second relationship I was a lesbian and he was cool with it. (F/26/Lesbian)
Story #2692
When I came out, I was 13/14 at the time. I came out to my best friend and this girl I had a crush on by pointing out a flag and asking if my BFF knew what flag it was. I came out as Pan at the time. At 16, however, I considered myself queer because I couldn’t tell if I liked men, then bi because it felt more binary and more accurate; I still question if I like men. What made me realise I was probably gay was from as young as 8, I used to love jade west and still do; I remember listing all the qualities I thought was “pretty”; I also remember specifically liking Belle, cuz again, “pretty”. (F/20/Bi/queer)
Story #2690
When I came out, I told my mom I had something to tell her while we were at a restaurant. I got nervous and waited until we got home. There, I texted her three words. “I like women.” And the only she said is “that’s okay.” Afterwards, she hugged me and told me she would always love me no matter what. I still haven’t told my dad, who’s very religious and right-wing. (F/Lesbian)
Story #2687
When I came out I wasn’t exactly sure I was Bi because I liked boys before but I have a crush on my best friend. I came out to my friend and then my mom. They were both supportive. I’ve been thinking about if maybe I’m demigirl but I still don’t know. For anyone coming out, good luck and I hope you are supported. (F/12/Bi/demigirl?)
Story #2686
When I came out I was 16 and in the talking stage with a girl. I couldn’t hold it in any more, so I spilled my secret to my sister, then to my mom and my brother. Honestly, it was a weight off my chest and it’s nice to know I can trust them. (F/19/Lesbian)
Story #2681
When I came out my parents looked at me in shock. I thought it was already known in my household as I recall coming out four times previously. The family is quite religious. They simply stated that “you know what preference we prefer.” My mother later stated she wishes she did not send me to my place of education. (F/Bisexual)
Story #2678
When I came out today to my new friend, she told me that she always felt nervous around a shared friend of ours. I told her I liked that same friend too. We were both squealing and hugging each other because we finally found someone else who shares the same sexuality. (F/Bisexual)
Story #2675
When I came out (to my friends) I was 13 years old and had just realized my obsession with Jade West was suspicious, to say the least. I remember watching Victorious for the second time when it came to Netflix and all those feelings I had for Jade when I was 9 or 10 came back and it became clear to me that there was one reason why I simply hated Beck for no apparent reason, that I wanted to see Jade and Tori kiss and that I overlooked Jade’s cruelty, and that reason was I was infatuated with that woman. Since that moment it all came back to me, all the signs I (and everyone I know) had ignored and in hindsight I was extremely gay as a child and never really hid it. Oh yeah and my family still doesn’t know. (F/17/Lesbian?)