When I came out to my friend (about 30 minutes ago), she had just told me that she thought it was perfectly fine to be LGBT. No one else that I know of thinks this way. She hugged me and bought me ice cream. Maybe coming out isn’t such a bad idea…? (F/15/Bisexual)
Story #1250
When I came out to my mom as bisexual she was like I told her I killed someone. Now my brother doesn’t talk with me because my mom told him she thinks I will make him gay and that’s weird and disgusting. I won’t do anything to my brother. She even told him to not walk beside me. (M/18/Bisexual)
Story #1247
When I came out, it was over text to my best friend. She was supportive, so now a few months later I told my other friend, who also came out to me as bisexual. (F/13/Bisexual)
Story #1246
When I came out to my best friend — now boyfriend — I told him that he was the one thing I thought about almost all day. And that I had a crush on him since about 6th grade. Then he came out to me as gay, told me the same thing, and kissed me. (16/Bisexual)
Story #1244
When I came out to my best friend I just casually said, “I’m in a bad mood cause mom is upset that I am bisexual… which I am by the way. So do we have any chocolate?” She didn’t even give any reaction to me being not being straight, she just said, “No offense, but your mom is kind of a dick then” and then we shared a piece of chocolate and complained about the bad weekend we both had had.
Story #1241
When I came out I literally just walked into the lounge room and told my parents that I’m bi, and all they said was “Cool” and kept watching TV. So anticlimactic.
Story #1229
When I came out as bisexual to my best friend on Facebook messenger, she said that she already knew and she started to cry and ended up telling me she was lesbian #bestfriendgoals! We now are going out (F/13/Bisexual)
Story #1224
When I came out to my grandma I was terrified that she would stop loving me. I told her that and she said that nothing would make her stop loving me unless I became a serial killer or something. She then told me she kind of already knew. (M/28/Bisexual)
Story #1214
When I came out to my mom (a month ago), I though she was gonna be cool but she told me that it was “great for me to experiment things but that it wasn’t necessary to tell everyone about my sex life.” We haven’t talked about it since. I told my sister a week later and she was amazing. So I don’t know what to do with the rest of my family… (F/15/Bisexual)
Story #1211
When I came out to myself, it was really confusing. I have long suspected that I am queer, but I only realized that I was bi a few weeks ago. I finally understood that the reason I felt so awkward around my best friend was that I am in love with her, but I also like boys, too.
I won’t come out to my family for a few years, probably, because my parents think I’m not old enough to understand my sexuality. But I’m so glad to have accepted myself for who I am! (F/13/Bisexual)