Story #2552

When I came out I did not know where my parents landed, if they were phobics, ally, or neutral. I came out as bisexual, then I was trans, then found out that I was truly bigender. I have not told my dad or siblings. In fact, I only told my mom and the people at school. My mom is still being weird about it, and by the way people will never stop hating, just ignore them, they don’t deserve the light of day #be yourself #bigender (Bigender/10)

Story #2551

When I came out to my parents, it made me realize a lot. I didn’t get the choice to come out on my own terms, as they found out on their own and I was forced to come out. I felt pretty heartbroken when they responded with disgust and disbelief, almost like it was phenomenon. After that they just ignored who I was and it was just pretty awkward after that. I wish it ended up differently but it made realize that I should accept myself because that’s who I am. Do not let people dictate on who you are. Be yourself. (Non-binar/transmasc/13/Abrosexual)

Story #2550

When I came out to my dad at the age of 17 I told him that I believed I was gay although I had always been attracted to all genders. I had chosen to tell him as we travelled home from a gig in the back of a gay friend’s van, which was dark as it hadn’t any windows, so I felt protected by not being able to see his reaction. Sadly and humiliatingly, my dad didn’t speak to me or look me in the eye for 3 days. He sought reassurance from his lesbian acquaintances and I just pretended nothing had ever happened. Things at home were excruciatingly awkward for a while but he found relief when I found a boyfriend. I was 18 when I realised that I was bisexual and 36 when I claimed pansexual as my identity! (F/43/Pansexual)

Story #2549

When I came out to my parents, they were just neutral. At the time, I was bisexual and they were completely fine with it. My friends supported me so much, it felt like a dream. However, over time, I lost attraction and I didn’t feel any sexual attraction to people. I was worried sick because I felt odd and alien-like, so I searched up what I was feeling and turns out I’m asexual, but I didn’t feel at ease with that, since romance wasn’t kind my thing. After a little bit of digging, I found out I’m aroace. My family and parents supported me just as well when I was bi. (M/16/Aroace)

Story #2548

When I came out “unoffically” my parents checked my computer one night after a teacher complained at school because of me reading a lesbian wattpad story and saw lesbian tiktoks and videos in my search history. They were confused and I’m not sure if they support me as they are heavily Christian and don’t believe in it. I like a girl at our school (which is also a Christian school) and some teacher complained about us touching in class even though straight couples kiss in our class all the time. I feel unaccepted anywhere I go except when I’m playing sports. (F/14/Lesbian)

Story #2547

When I came out to my parents in middle school as just gay (they don’t know terms) they were somewhat supportive, but my dad was not sure. He went on a walk with me and basically said you’re probably not gay, because you are just desperate to fit in and your friends are gay so you think you are. I believed him, and so during lockdown I went back to “being straight” and then I had to re-come out to myself in high school. I now understand myself more and I have come out to a few close friends, who have all been super supportive of me. They are even helping me with my crush right now!!! I am going to ask her to prom 🙂 (F/17/Biromantic asexual)

Story #2546

When I came out, my whole life fell apart. I was born a girl and I never felt like one. I was popular and funny but deep down, I never saw myself as the type of girl to wear skirts or put makeup on or talk about boys. When I was 13, I mustered enough courage and told my mom and dad I didn’t feel like a girl. My dad’s face went from curious to shocked and my mom tried to tell herself it was a dream. They kept saying mean things to me, but I try hard to ignore them. Now, I identify as a pansexual and I’m still trying to figure out my identity. (Questioning/14/Pansexual)

Story #2545

When I came out, it was to my grandparents. My mom was on a business trip and my dad was, well, divorced with my mom. I told my grandparents that I was gay. They were at first shocked but they both told me that they loved me to death, no matter what I identify as. When my mom came home a few days later, I told her I was gay, and she was extremely supportive. My birthday was two days ago and my mom got me the Gay Pride flag and my grandparents ordered me a rainbow cake. They’re so loving! Hope you guys are supported as well! (M/17/Gay)

Story #2544

When I came out I was 15 I knew since I was maybe 12. I brought my girlfriend Lilly over for dinner. I planned on telling my parents and my older sister at dinner but I just couldn’t. After dinner Lilly and I went into my room we started talking and then we kissed for the first time. We called each other “girlfriend” but we had never kissed. That night after Lilly left, my sister Cassidy came into my room and said, “I saw you and Lilly kiss.” I started crying. Cassidy was so sweet; she hugged me and said, “It’s okay, I’ll help you tell mom and dad.” I did and I realized for no reason. They both said they would always support me. Lilly and I are still together. (F/18/Lesbian)

Story #2543

When I came out a few years ago, I knew that I was male, but out of fear I convinced myself that my feelings weren’t valid and that I was saying I was male just for the attention. This fear was reenforced when I came out to my mother (at the time identifying as non-binary for the previously mentioned reasons). I told her how I felt more comfortable dressing in a suit and tie and how being referred to as a girl caused me a lot of anxiety and depression because this was not who I knew myself to be. She told me that God gave her a girl and that God never told her to let me wear a suit and be like a boy. Since then, I’ve come out as a trans male and she’s slowly becoming a little more accepting, but I still feel nervous when talking to her about anything gender related because what she said to me all those years ago is still with me today. (M/17/Bisexual)