When I came out, I was 22. I told my 3 best friends and they have all been wonderfully supportive. I was afraid things would change or that they would even care. Truth is, they still do/always have/always will love me for me. It’s easy to take things like this for granted, as I know some people aren’t so lucky. But then again, it’s only been 4 days…
Story #279
When I came out, it was to my mom. I was living in Japan and she was still in my home country. I was talking to her on the phone and told her right before she hung up. I cried even though there was no need. She said she loved me no matter what and was only worried that I thought something wa wrong with it. Then she told me she felt bad for my other lesbian friend whose mom didn’t take it well.
Story #278
When I came out as gay, I was 16. I was scared at first that people wouldn’t understand, so when my friend was like “Awesome” after I told her, I was totally taken aback. Eventually, after telling each of my family members and closest friends, I came out publicly on FB and got overwhelming support. So far everyone at my school has been great about it.
Story #277
When I came out I denied it at first. My mom asked me if I was a lesbian and I was in such shock that I denied it. Both she and my grandma saw a facebook status I had made that was a quote from a gay celebrity. My grandma called to ask if I was a lesbian. Standing in our washroom with my grandma on the phone, I finally came out to both my mom and grandma. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever done. It feels really good to know that my mom and grandma know that I’m a lesbian and they still love me to death.
Story #276
When I came out at 21 to my best childhood friend, I was afraid and aware that I could possibly lose the ten or so odd years of relationship we shared together. I was afraid because there was a lot on the line and a lot on my mind. I was afraid that my life would change forever… and it did. My best friend and I have become closer than ever and his acceptance gave me the necessary strength to tell everyone else. I love you, Ken.
Story #275
When I came out, it was two days before my 15th. Me and mum were at McDonalds and at the time we were having problems with an online stalker. She outed me by saying “What’s all this lesbian stuff you’ve been liking on Facebook?” I was crying and told her I was a lesbian. She said it’s just a phase and to this day she still thinks I’m straight. I can’t deal with her thinking I’m straight anymore. It really hurts.
Story #274
When I came out to my best friend, we were on IM. I told her that I liked boys, but I was in love with a certain girl. All she said was, “Really? She’s super nice.” This whole time, my best friend was okay with it. I don’t know when I’ll come out to my family as bisexual, but this feels great for now.
Story #273
When I came out, I made a joke based on a running joke my dad had. He always told me that no matter what, I wasn’t allowed to bring home a white girl (not serious, of course). So I told him, “Well, dad, I know I’m not allowed to bring home a white girl, so I got a white guy instead! Careful what you wish for!” He got a kick out of it.
Story #272
When I came out, it was years ago. I told my friends that I was bi. I know say I am a pansexual, but more and more I find myself more attracted to other boys. I haven’t told my family save one brother, who doesn’t care as long as I’m happy. I plan on telling my family once I’m safely in another state at college.
Story #271
When I came out, I was 14. I am a bisexual man, and I told my two best female friends, and they were both so supportive of me. Right now, I have a girlfriend who doesn’t know, and I love her with all of my heart. I plan to tell her, along with my parents, soon. I am so glad that I chose two people I really trust to tell, because they have been so incredible during this process.