When I came out to my best friend, it involved the words “Surprise! I like girls, too!” He was really cool with it – and ended up admitting sometimes he felt that way about men himself. I’m honored he trusted me enough to come out, and I feel so much lighter.
Story #320
When I came out to my mom, she told me that she would never turn her back on me. She said she loved me, and that I’m still her son.
Story #319
When I came out to my mom and dad, my mother started sobbing and my dad wondered aloud why I didn’t keep it to myself. They left me alone in my room crying and I think I’ve made a huge mistake. They said they still love me but I don’t think things will ever be the same. But I had to do it.
Story #318
When I came out my parents said they still loved me but told me I could not act upon my feelings or show them. With contradicting feelings I moved out and in with my girlfriend. We broke up, things got awkward, and now all I want to do is start a new chapter in my life with university.
Story #317
When I came out to my best friend (and crush) I was really scared because he didn’t really say anything and it was quiet. But later that night he texted me saying he didn’t care, it wasn’t my fault, and even told me he didn’t care if I checked him out. While I did decline, it was one of the greatest feelings ever.
Story #316
When I came out I was 17. It was a forced coming out to my dad because someone told him about my girlfriend. He still believes he failed as a parent but is slowly coming around to accept me for who I am.
Story #315
When I came out to my parents it was a complete accident. My girlfriend broke up with me a week before and I was heartbroken. I had told my parents how stupid my “friend” was and told them the entire story from the third person point of view. On my way out the door, my dad said, “Why do you care so much? It’s not like you were going out with her……*blank stare*…..right?…” I was NOT prepared for that and froze up. He became extremely awkward as did my mother. I said, “Welp…don’t think too hard about that one, you might hurt yourself” and got out the door as fast as I could.
Story #314
When I came out to my parents for the first time, I was a little bit drunk and they took it with a pinch of salt. My friends easily accepted my bisexuality, they weren’t surprised, to be honest 🙂 But as to my parents – I guess they’re still deceiving themselves that I’m straight and they’ll have lots of grandchildren in the future…
Story #313
When I came out to my friend about being “confused” she then immediately came out to me about being bisexual. We’ve both only told two people ever, and in trying to give up a secret, now I’ve gained one, and it’s both rewarding and frustrating…
Story #312
When I came out to my friends, a good majority of them were supportive. However, 2 or 3 of my friends were creeped out or trying to convert me to straight from my bisexual transgendered self. I still talk to them, but I do not bring up my sexuality to them anymore. I still haven’t told my parents about my boyfriend, but that’s mainly because he lives so far away that it wouldn’t make sense to tell them yet about him. I’ll tell them eventually, but I’m pretty sure since they know I’m bisexual, they won’t mind as much.