When I came out as bisexual I was shocked about how supporting people were. I remember holding it back for 12 years and finally felt like a person after hiding for so long. When I came out I began a new life.
Story #410
When I came out a few months ago at the age of 56, I told my family, friends and kids. They all were very supportive and I have been free from the bondage of my closet ever since. Just wish I had done this decades ago.
Story #409
When I came out I was prayed over and put into therapy by my family. I still struggle with depression because of that and talking to them as a college student but I have my amazing partner to stand by me no matter what.
Story #408
When I came out to my best friend I sent her a message on FB and she sent me one back saying seriously, and I said no with a sarcastic face. I then just rang her up and had a good cry, and she still loves me as her best friend no matter what. Two down, rest of the school to go…
Story #407
When I came out to my best friend, she didn’t believe me. The day before she was hating on the gays in government class, saying, “Gays shouldn’t be able to get married. It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” When I told her I was a lesbian she didn’t believe me, but finally accepted it and we laugh about it all of the time. We all knew I was gay before I even realized it.
Story #406
When I came out to my best friend he was shocked for about 5 seconds and then he started teasing me! To my other best friend/roommate I told him about my crush on him… and he’s been my biggest supporter to date. A year later I came out on Facebook.
Story #405
When I came out to my sister she was going through a rough patch herself. She shared her own doubts about her sexuality. It took a week for her to accept it fully and she became a great support. Last month she committed suicide resulting from her abusive relationship with her boyfriend. I’m still to come out to my father.
Story #404
When I came out it was on National Coming Out Day and I told my best friend. She was supportive. I kinda was like, “Yeah I don’t like boys but girls are amazing.”
Story #403
When I came out that day my girlfriend took my phone and went on the internet. It happened at lunch so when she opened it she saw some gay adult things. I was so embarrassed and said I didn’t look it up. After I was talking to my friend and I realized I needed to tell myself and my friend that I was gay. I told my girlfriend and she didn’t take it very good but all my other friends took it wonderfully.
Story #402
When I came out to my dad, he almost told me he was very proud of me and said that it didn’t change anything and that he still loved me. He also said that the only thing he wants is me to be happy. I could never ask for a better dad.