When I came out to my best friend he was actually really nice about it. Previously, I pretended to be in love with him so people wouldn’t think I was gay, but I told him I was gay through a text message and he told me he would always love me and care about me no matter what.
Story #541
When I came out to my best friend I did it via Facebook because we live in different countries. Instead of saying I was bi, I just told her that I really like a girl and she simply said, “Wow, Tani! Tell me all about her!” She was so sweet and accepting, and treated me exactly the same as before. Now to come out to the rest of the world! 🙂
Story #539
When I came out my brother had just called me a faggot and when I told him I actually was his face went blank, and he told me he was sorry and that he’d always love me because I’m still his brother. Needless to say he’s never called me that again.
Story #540
When I came out, it was indirect in the 8th grade. I wrote in my journal about that I liked this girl in my class a lot and I lost the journal at school. Someone found it and gave it back to me. Of course they’d read the whole thing and told my crush I liked her. Now, most of my classmates know (including my crush, duh) and everyone’s okay with it. My crush told me she isn’t into girls that way but we still became friends! She’s my best friend now to this very day, as a senior.
Story #538
When I came out it was after kissing a boy first (I had to be sure). My friends laughed and I immediately felt relaxed about the whole thing. I told my parents 2 years later. Mum cried and dad walked out of the room. They now ask about my boyfriend every time I go home. My friends treat him like another mate, something which can be difficult to do in Ireland. I’m lucky.
Story #537
When I came out, I was in the middle of the street with close friends. I told them before that I needed to tell them something. I said I was bi and my best friend was in shock, I still don’t know how she feels and I am freaking out.
Story #536
When I came out, it was a mistake. I messed up on my words and my friend thought I was a lesbian. I’m not completely sure myself, but I’m not straight, not exactly bisexual, and definitely not asexual or pansexual. 🙂
Story #535
When I came out as bisexual, all of my friends accepted me and gave me a lot of support. That gave me the courage to tell my mom about it. I had expected her to be as supportive as everyone else but she wasn’t. We had a big argument and I can honestly say I was destroyed. I’m just hoping she’ll accept me someday.
Story #534
When I came out I told my mother over text. We are a Christian family so it was hard of course. But my mom was so relaxed and at ease talking to me about it, it was as if she did not care. I love her so much!
Story #533
When I came out I told my friends I was bisexual. Then I just started saying lesbian till everyone knew me as gay. Then my older brother and cousin both helped me tell my mum, who just said, “You’re the same daughter I gave birth to. I still love you!”