When I came out to my ex-girlfriend, who also happens to still be one of my best friends, she smiled, gave me a hug, and made a joke about the times I couldn’t get it up. I don’t know why I worried so much about telling her. I feel much better about telling other people now.
Story #672
When I came out as gay to my friend on Skype, he was just like, “Dude I know a bunch of gay guys at school!” and proceeded to list them off. At age 14.
Story #669
When I came out to one of my best friends and told her that I had a girlfriend she started crying. Later on in the day she told me she cried because now that she knew about me, she realised that she liked me and I was already taken.
Story #671
When I came out I was 11 and my mom said I was too young to know. She knew I had crushes on boys… why was I too young for the same sex?
Story #668
When I came out to my Mum she cried hysterically and went on a rant about me not producing grandchildren for her. I don’t remember anything supportive being said. It was really surprising as she is not religious and is usually pretty open minded. When I came out to my friends every single one was totally awesome and loving and funny and relaxed and honest. When I came out to the rest of my family…. to be continued when I have the courage to go there!
Story #670
When I came out to my brother I told him I was going to stay at my “friend’s” house. Suddenly he just said, “Y’know you can say girlfriend” and I just stood there in shock.
Story #667
When I came out, I meant to text my one friend who did know about coming out to my parents. It had to do with baking a cake and writing a coming out letter with lots of bad cake puns. I texted, “if I ever come out to my parents THAT is the way I am going.” Then I realized that I texted in a group chat with all of my friends. They were completely supportive.
Story #666
When I came out to my best friend, I told her that I wanted to break up with my boyfriend because I was in love with someone else: Her. She told me she had been in love with me for months. We’ve now been dating for 3 years and plan on getting married and having a family.
Story #665
When I came out I decided to have my friend guess who I liked. She tried to guess for 4 hours, going through the entire yearbook multiple times guessing guys. Finally she asked if it was a girl. I said yes and she flipped out, not because I’m bi, but because she spent 4 hours trying to guess.
Story #664
When I came out, I was sitting in my grandparents’ house in their bedroom talking to my best guy friend on the phone. He said to me, “Can I tell you a secret?” and I said, “Of course” and he said, “I’m gay” and I said, “Me too!” and then we laughed because what are the odds?