Story #690

When I came out, I asked my best friend, “What do you think about lesbians?” and she told me “They are the most amazing people in the entire world. I think that anyone in LGBT community are amazing.” (I have another friend that is gay, so she knows all about LGBT.) I asked unsurely, “Would you like another lesbian friend?” She looked at me straight (no pun intended) in the eyes and said, “Is this your way of coming out? Because I already knew.” After that everyone was loving and accepting of who I am. I even have a girlfriend now.

Story #693

When I came out, I came out to my entire school at once. I didn’t want to have to constantly tell people that I’m a lesbian. I did it at a talent show. I went up to the mic and said, “My talent is being a lesbian, thank you.” Everyone stood up and clapped for me. The girl I had been crushing on later came up to me, hugged me, and asked me out. She is now my girlfriend of 6 months.

Story #689

When I came out, my mother resented me. She told me I was going to Hell. Forced me to do gay counseling, join the Airforce, and quit my jobs. I couldn’t take it anymore. I told her that I am who I am and she kicked me out. Today I am living my life the best positive way despite her actions toward me. Love for all.

Story #692

When I came out it was to two of my best friends. It took me two hours (after the first two weeks of attempting to) to finally tell them I’m bisexual and after I said it they both hugged me and told me they had known for months… Goes to show how well I was hiding it hahaha

Story #688

When I came out to my best friend, he asked me which girls I found attractive in the particular bar we were in. I said, “I prefer blokes” to which he replied, “That’s awesome!” and then bought me two Jäger bombs. To this day he is still my best friend. I live with him, work with him, and wingman him in the same bar we originally went to.

Story #691

When I came out, I was hanging out with one of my best guy friends. He is gay, and I was the first person he came out to. I had known that I was a lesbian for about a year now, and I knew that I needed to tell him ASAP, but I just couldn’t do it. When I told him he said, “Tell me something I don’t already know.” He later helped me and my girlfriend get together. I could not be any happier.

Story #687

When I came out I told my best friend over text and basically sent this massive paragraph (wasn’t really necessary) and she just replied saying how proud she is of me and that nothing will ever change. I’m 13.

Story #686

When I came out to the couple who have been like parents to me, my hands were shaking and my pulse rate was through the roof. But he asked if I was happy, and she laughed, and the conversation moved on.

Story #685

When I came out, the hardest part was talking to my mom about it. I told her that the “Spanish Club” I had been going to was actually a GSA Weekly Meeting. I told her I was bisexual and she told me she loves and supports me no matter what. Nothing has been different nor awkward, definitely a great feeling.

Story #684

When I came out as asexual to my parents, my mother didn’t believe me and thought it was just a phase. She still does. That was two years ago. Today I finally came out to my good friends. I sent them the Glee version of Defying Gravity along with my message. They immediately came over to my room with hugs and cake.