When I came out to my brother, he told me he wanted to be the best man at my wedding. The day before he had said how he thought gay marriage was an abomination and sinful. Your story has the power change people’s opinions on LGBT individuals overnight.
Story #801
When I came out at 41 years old as a single dad of 2, divorced after 5 years of marriage, this gave my best friend the courage to come out and now we are partners, living our true life.
Story #799
When I came out, it was to a close friend I was crushing on. She immediately smiled and told me she was bi too, and revealed that she had been crushing on me for some time. Without thinking I went in to kiss her. Best first kiss ever! We’ve been dating for 2 years now.
Story #798
When I came out, it was the same day that I sorted through all of the labels and came to terms with the fact that I was bisexual. The first person I came out to was my best friend and then another friend. My best friend was incredibly lax about all of it as though it didn’t phase her; however, I haven’t heard from my other friend since… well, whoops.
Story #800
When I finally came out to my best friend, I was so nervous. I thought she wouldn’t accept me but the only thing she was mad about was why I didn’t come out earlier!
Story #797
When I came out to my mum, who actually suspected it for a long time, it was just after we had seen “Tomboy”. When the movie ended, she asked me if I liked girls. It was pretty awkward, and I didn’t know what to answer, but then she laughed and told me she didn’t care at all, as long as my brothers would make her grandchildren. I was glad that she didn’t mind, but it felt like she had spoiled my coming out, and I regretted it because I wanted it to be amazing, and I also wanted to do it later. So if I get to come out a second time, I’d make sure I do it properly and I would not let anybody else do it for me, so it could be just perfect.
Story #796
When I came out to one of my best friends a few months ago, he told me he was panromantic asexual. I’ve told most close friends, and some other friends. But I still need to tell family. I’m a 13-year-old gay guy.
Story #795
When I came out, or rather when I was “outed” as gay, I felt like my life was over. I felt so alone and betrayed by the person who told everyone, but now I can only thank them. Soon after this my crush told me he was gay too and thought it was big of me to go through it all. We’ve been together for 2 years now!
Story #794
When I finally came out to my best friend, I was so nervous that he wouldn’t want to speak to me anymore. When I did, he eyerolled and said, “Joey, you could reveal you have chicken feet and I wouldn’t give a shit”. I like that.
Story #793
When I came out through text to my friend/coworker who is also bisexual (and a few years older), my mom spied on my messages and later told me that I am stupid and know nothing. She made it apparent to tell me to stop talking to my coworker and “cut the sh*t” and stop being stupid.