Story #786

When I came out to my best friends about my pansexuality (and my crush on a Dutch friend I’d met a while back), I was immediately met with grins and howls. It felt amazing knowing they didn’t mind and totally accepted me. They even encouraged me to come out to my mom, and it went great — If only I could stop them from their constant teasing.

Story #784

When I came out to my sister, she was extremely upset because I wouldn’t be able to have children. She told me I must be going through a phase and that she didn’t want me being this way. Less than an hour later, she became accepting, and we hugged it out.

Story #783

When I came out it inspired one of my other friends to come out, which is an amazing feeling. Be a role model; don’t be afraid to be who you are.

Story #781

When I came out as bi to one of my co-workers and friends she told me that the “mother” in her already knew so she wasn’t that surprised by it. She also said that, while she was confused about me being bi, she had sensed I was possibly gay and that she accepted that if who I am is bi then so be it. It truly means the world that I have her acceptance.

Story #782

When I came out I was in sixth grade. I decided to tell my secret to my sister. She went and told my mom and my mom is a huge Christian and she said she will never accept it so I just hide it to myself right now. I’m in seventh grade and have a beautiful girlfriend who I thought would never go for me. Once I turn 18 I’m going to tell my mom I’m a rainbow and as straight as Ellen DeGeneres.

Story #780

When I came out to my best friend as a bisexual, despite being highly religious she took it really well. She told me I’d still be her best friend and she’d still be there for me. I felt beyond blessed.

Story #779

When I came out to my best guy friend he told me it didn’t change our friendship at all and he was glad I let him know. He has been super supportive and told me he would tear himself apart with guilt if he told anyone. It was overall such a relief. Now for my parents…

Story #778

When I came out I told my two best friends and they were so supportive of me. When I told the rest of my friends that I liked guys all they said was “well, who do you like?” and that was great because I knew that they would be there for me!

Story #777

When I came out as bisexual to my mom, she told me flatly that she didn’t support it and she told me to think about it and even talk to a priest or a psychiatrist. It hasn’t been mentioned since.

Story #776

When I came out, it was to a group of friends from school, who are all girls. They asked me if I was SWAG (Secretly We Are Gay), and I just keep repeating, “So Swag”. Then one of them wanted to hug me, but we were on a bunch of branches overhanging a lake, so she almost fell. We laughed warmly, and we basically just try to find ways for me to come out to my parents. The plan so far: “Mom, dad, I’m… I’m straight… STRAIGHT UP GAAAAYYYY!!!!” and then basically throw Skittles everywhere.