Story #1044

When I came out, my mom and I were talking about sexual/romantic orientation already in the car. Of course, she asked me what my orientation was. I answered, “What do you think?” and she replied gay/lesbian. Then she just told me to remind her to go to the grocery. I honestly couldn’t be happier.

Story #1043

When I came out it was to my close friend then and my girlfriend now. She was talking about how she was definitely into girls and I felt an urge to tell her that I had also liked girls before. So I did. Now we are a couple and I love her. I haven’t come out to my family yet but a few of my friends know.

Story #1041

When I came out as gay, it was on National Coming Out day and my mom said, “Okay, anything else?” I walked out of her room. I told my sister, who already knew and is a lesbian herself and really helped me a lot. Still not fully out, will soon though.

Story #1042

When I came out, it was surprisingly with my parents. We were talking about life, work, and whatever, and I kind of blurted it out without thinking. My mom’s a by-the-book Christian and stepdad’s a Catholic, so the 1-hour long discussion of “you can’t be sure” and “what did I/we do wrong” was a buzzkill. I guess explaining myself to them made telling others way easy.

Story #1039

When I came out… I was in the car with my mom and we were going to the store, and we had just stopped in front of a red light and my hands were clamming up and I felt my heart racing. My throat closed and out of nowhere I blurted out, “Mom, I love women!” That’s when she told me that she knew the moment I was born that I was different. I don’t think I ever smiled so hard in my life. I’m grateful for a mom that understands.

Story #1040

When I came out as bi, it was actually in a rant about how I felt like committing suicide. I was getting all of that suicide stuff off my chest and I just decided to stop hiding my sexuality too. I shared the Google doc with 4 of my friends, and one of them came out as bi to me too. To this day, I have come out to a few more of my friends, but not my family yet.

Story #1038

When I came out I was so drunk. I told my best friend that I maybe was gay but still confused. I loved telling someone, but now I’m too afraid of talking to her about it sober. It’s so sad. I want to tell my twin sister too because she always jokes around saying I act gay and I know she already knows.

Story #1037

When I came out to my older brother (16 and 15), he was driving me to cheer. We were listening to tøp and I was dying to tell him. He asked me if I had something to say (he already kind of suspected), and I blurted out “I’m gay, Connor”. He was super, super supportive and said he was really excited to have a sister to talk about girls with (: ❤

Story #1036

When I came out I told my sister I had something to tell her, and she blurted out, “Oh my god you like girls!” When I told my mom she said, “Ya I know, I’ve known since you were in 5th grade. My dad said, “Hey now you can’t get pregnant, awesome,” and laughed. No one but me was surprised when I figured it out. Last week my friend told me I am pansexual, and finally, I truly understand myself.

Story #1035

When I came out, I was sitting in the living room with my 2 other brothers. (I’m a quintuplet, but my sisters weren’t there.) I must have been looking like I was about to puke, because my brother Noah asked me what was up. I kind of just blurted out, “I’m bisexual… I think. *bursts into tears*” They looked at each other and said they had already kind of known. They both told me that there was nothing wrong with that and I’m happy that they were the first people I told.