Story #1201

When I came out to my brother, he was super supportive and wonderful. He had followed my tumblr for a while, so he suspected I liked girls but was waiting for me to tell him when I was ready.

Story #1193

When I came out to my crush, she smiled and said she was lesbian as well. Then she kissed me on the cheek and said she was hoping we could fall in love.

Best day of my life. (F/16/Lesbian)

Story #1192

When I came out in my sophomore year of college, I was hanging out with my friends and all four of us were drunk. I was so nervous. I said it — but the doorbell rang at the same time! So I had to say it again. My friends were very accepting and said they already guessed. Now one of them is my girlfriend and we’re going to move in together next month.

Story #1200

When I came out, my dad walked out of the room and my mom told me that I should pray and talk to my pastor at church to find out why I’m gay. Later that night, my dad came back in my room and told me he still loves me and he needs time to adjust, as well as my mom and grandmother. Everyone said they weren’t 100% surprised but now I feel awkward even being in the house with them. But honestly I’m glad that I don’t have to hide anything anymore. (M/18/Gay)

Story #1191

When I came out I was 48 and have not had one negative response from anyone. I realized when I was 12 and had multiple experiences before becoming a teen, but because things were VERY different in 1978, I remained in the closet for 36 years. I am so happy that society has changed and young people don’t have to live their lives in the closet like I did.

Story #1190

When I came out I was walking with my gay cousin down a dark road at 10 o’clock at night. I’d never even admitted it to myself, but I told him I’m not straight, and we became super close after that because rather than just being a straight-ally, I was a non-het in a super religious family with him. I felt sick for a while after, but now I’m coming more to terms with it. I plan on telling my best friend next. (F/17)

Story #1199

When I came out the first time, I was 13. I came out on social media as bi. I lost a lot of friends and people at school started bullying me. Three years later I realised that I’m gay. I’m in a new school and I’m terrified of coming out again.

Story #1189

When I came out it was inadvertently to my best friend. We were goofing off and I said, “What if I told you… I am gay?” And he just shrugged and said he didn’t care and we’d still be friends. I didn’t bother to mention that I had a crush on our other friend, but after how I act in front of my crush it should be pretty obvious. Now I need to seriously come out.

Story #1188

When I came out I came out on Facebook and everyone supported me and no one gave me crap about it. I told my sister and she accepted me. My mom likes to say that she’s not surprised. (13/Bisexual)

Story #1187

When I came out I was drunk at my friend’s house. We were playing truth or dare and I told him I didn’t like girls but boys. He was surprised to say the least but he didn’t support me. We still don’t talk to each other. Now I’m scared to tell my best friend. I’m pretty sure he will accept me but I’m not willing to take the chance and lose another friend.