Story #1497

When I came out to my mom she caught me broadcasting a coming out video for people and then she yelled at me, and told me that I was a sin. She has loved me since but still doesn’t support me. My dad said, “Okay, you’re still young” but has accepted me and loved me ever since. My siblings have all known and when I told one of my brothers he said, “Okay, me too…” (M/19/Gay)

Story #1496

When I came out two years ago, I couldn’t hide how I felt anymore and decided to come out to everyone I know. Nobody complained and gave their blessings. I’m finally liberated. (M/29/Bisexual)

Story #1495

When I came out to the first person at my new school, it was to a guy who was texting me and thought I was pretty. I had to tell him that I was into girls so that it didn’t seem like I was leading him on. It was all super stressful but he was pretty chill about it. I still feel bad though cause he was gonna ask me out to the movies. 😕 (F/15/Lesbian)

Story #1494

When I came out my originally homophobic friend said, “Well, you’re my friend, I should read up on things about this.” She now accepts me and always will love me. (M/13/Gay)

Story #1493

When I came out to my mum (just now) she was nice, though she said that it does feel like a blow to her and that most of all she feels sorry that life will be harder for me. She asked not to tell anyone in the family for as long as possible. I said I understand and have no plans for that at the moment, but can’t guarantee what I decide to do in the future. I sort of knew it’s not gonna be great as I come from a homophobic country; I think I just feel relieved I am on honest terms with her now. Who knows what happens next…

Story #1492

When I came out to my mom I started crying so hard she thought I’d been raped and was afraid to tell her, so when she knew what was really going on she was relieved and said, “Really? that’s it? Why would I care LOL”. I love her. (F/17/Bisexual)

Story #1490

When I came out to my best friend, I told him, “I’ve got something to tell you…” and he immediately asked me, “You’re bi?!” and when I said “yes” he laughed and said, “OK, bro, can you give me the camera please?”

Story #1489

When I came out to my best friend, She said that it “makes me uncomfortable and I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” So I said, “I’m fine with that, but you can’t talk about your love life ever again either.” We are merely acquaintances now and I’ve never been happier. (F/14/Pansexual)