When I came out, I was scared because my parents were not only devoted Christians, but they were heavy conservatives. Me and my bisexual twin sister came out to my parents shortly after we got home from church and their reaction shocked us. They smiled and gave us a big hug, saying they love us. But they always warn us not to act gay at church or around family. So, I guess you can say I may have won the battle but I lost the war. Haha. (M/13/Pansexual)
Story #2585
When I came out I was 12 and I told my older sister and was extremely nervous. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react but was pretty sure she would be supportive. I texted her a bi coming out meme and told her I’m bi. She was super shocked and came into my room and hugged me, and told me she was proud of me for having the courage to tell her. She agreed to not tell our parents, at least not yet. I texted my friend (who already knew and supports me) and she was also very excited for me. It made me so happy and I hope you all have supportive friends and family too. Good luck to all those who are thinking of coming out! (F/13/Bi/ace?)
Story #2584
When I came out, I was sort of caught. I was on a discord server with my gay friend group before I had to go and use the bathroom. When I finished doing my business, I saw both my mom and my dad on my computer, scrolling and looking at my server before they turned around. They looked at me and sighed. My mom asked me if I was really omnisexual and I told her yes. My dad gagged before heading out. I felt heartbroken, since I loved my dad more than anything. My mom hugged me and told me that she’ll talk to my dad. They’ve been arguing ever since and I feel like it’s my fault. (M/11/Omnisexual)
Story #2583
When I came out, it was fairly hard. I was born a girl and everyone considered me a girl. Compared to the other preppy girls at my school, I look like something that came from a dumpster. However, when I first got my period, everything in me broke. Growing breasts felt like a barrier building up to prevent me from trying to be my true self. My mom found out about me being trans when my homophobic sociology teacher told her on open house. My mom was kind of supportive and my dad is completely neutral on the topic. However, my teacher still disrespects me and once he separated me from doing a group activity. I was sad but I hoped that my fellow queers won’t have to go through this. (FtM/Transmasc/14/Bisexual)
Story #2582
When I came out, I was teased and even abused. My father was a conservative and he worked for our town mayor and he was never fond of the LGBTQ+ community. And ever since my mom passed away, my father only got worse and started drinking. I mustered up the courage to tell that I liked both boys and girls. He shot me this dirty look and called me names before dragging my hair and throwing me into my room. When I came out to my school, which was a Christian school, everyone laughed and made fun of me. But, I will find acceptance and I won’t let people bring me down. (F/16/Bisexual)
Story #2581
When I came out, I was 12 years old. My older brother and I were playing Monopoly and talking about school and stuff until he brought up the dreaded topic: dating. He was telling me about this girl he was dating. I mustered up the courage to tell my brother that I liked girls. He was at first surprised but he hugged me and told me he loved me no matter what. (F/13/Lesbian)
Story #2580
When I came out as aroace it was completely unintentional. A lot of my friends and I were talking during break about one of my friends’ unhealthy obsession with the moon and another one of my friends explained it as such: “If the moon was a girl, he’d marry her.” To which I replied, “Too bad, most moongoddesses are aroace.” (I had that one quote from OSP stuck in my head.) When somebody else asked what aroace was, the second friend explained it really quickly with ending: “So, basically me.” I was all, “You’re aroace?! I’m aroace!” And the friend with the moon obsession was all like, “I’m just ace 🙂 ” It was the greatest day of my life. So that’s how I came out to all of my school friends (and some of them came out with me). (F/17/Aroace)
Story #2579
When I came out, it was pretty unplanned. I went out for dinner with my mom and brother, and we were just talking while waiting for our food to arrive when somehow the topic of dating came up. I told them that boys are disgusting and I didn’t want a boyfriend, and then my mom asked if I wanted a girlfriend instead. I took a deep breath, and said yes, and told them I am lesbian. Hopefully I will come out to my dad soon but I have no idea what his reaction will be. Good luck to y’all closeted people( if you’re planning to come out)! (F/11/Lesbian)
Story #2578
When I first came out when I was 12 I came out as ftm and bi. Well, not exactly, I was outed because I had a severe mental breakdown and couldn‘t handle lying anymore. Afterwards I got told I was “confused” and that I was going through a “phase”. I also had to befriend and unfriend some people because my mom thought they were a bad influence and made me that way. The people I befriended turned out to be some degree of homophobic too. Nowadays I‘m 14 and I still feel this way. I often cry because I feel dysphoric. I‘m scared of coming out too because of what happened last time, but I think my family would be more supportive this time. (They/he/14/Masc non-binary/pansexual)
Story #2577
When I came out, I sitting on the porch swing with my older sister as we shared stories from our day. I hesitated with a knot in my stomach for a while before finally summoning the courage to say, “I need to tell you something. You know {my friend’s name}? Well, we are dating. I’m gay.” My sister turned to me with a big smile. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me close as she whispered, “Thank you for being you.” I’ll never forget that. (M/17/Gay)