Story #2624

When I came out, I wasn’t really accepted at first. My parents weren’t homophobic or anything, but I felt like they didn’t believe me. I had lots of friend groups and I never really felt like they ever really respected me. The first time I really felt seen and accepted, we had just gotten to the second half of the school year and my lunch schedule changed. I saw some kids I thought might be cool to hang out with and asked if I could sit with them. It turned out that one of them was aromantic and the other was genderfluid and omnisexual. At that point I kinda went “me too!”. They were really cool about it and it made me happy that it wasn’t being treated like a phase or something anymore. Since then I’ve had some great support systems, which has really helped me through some stuff. (Genderfluid/pangender/Aegosexual/biromantic)