When I came out I was in a classroom full of now-former toxic friends, including my toxic crush who commented, “Wow, everyone in the room is so godd*mn gay” after someone else had mentioned their same-gender ex. Little middle school me, for whatever reason, decided it would be a wonderful idea to randomly blurt out, “That’s me!” Cue absolute silence in the classroom. I had been working out my sexuality for months now, after realizing my strange obsession with my friend wasn’t simply an obsession, it was, in fact, a huge-a** crush. The kids in that classroom went on to say some pretty awful things to me that year, after finding out who exactly my crush was, causing me to switch schools. This was the best choice I ever made, as now I have the best friends a queer little dork like me could ask for, who will support and love me no matter what my sexuality may be. (Female/non-binary/5/Pansexual)