Story #2433

When I came out, my little sister was the first person I told. I was kind of nervous because I thought she would accept me but I wasn’t sure. I had been talking about the LGBTQ+ community around her, letting her get used to the idea and seeing if she was cool with it. One day, I decided to go for it. I told her I identified as pansexual, and she thought for a really long time. The question she generated in that amount of time was: “Does that mean you’re non-binary too?” I laughed, and I explained to her that I’m not non-binary, only pansexual. She seemed to understand everything, and I’m happy that she turned out to be an ally of the LGBTQ+ community. She even makes small LGBTQ+ related jokes sometimes, just to make me smile. I couldn’t have asked for a more accepting sister. (F/13/Pansexual)