When I came out to my friends about being bisexual, I thought I would say something else as an excuse like I had done many other times, but in pride month on bisexuals day I did it, and they were very supportive. One of my friends even told me she is pan and that I shouldn’t be afraid of who I am. I have switched a bit with being lesbian/biromantic and bisexual with preference for girls and I am still questioning today, but right now I think I am bisexual. Anyways, when I came out as genderfluid to the same friend I didn’t actually come out. She asked me if I were genderfluid, which surprised me very much because I hadn’t told her anything, so I just said yes and then she asked me for my pronouns. I have been very lucky with coming out to people and not getting homophobic comments from the people I have come out to. (Genderfluid/12/Bisexual? Lesbian?)