Story #2031

When I came out I first said I was gay (I didn’t like the term ‘lesbian’) to most of my friends but I quickly felt uncomfortable with how I was labeling myself. I later found out that I am polysexual (for girls and most non-binary genders) and non-binary. I told about six people about being poly and that went pretty well (most got mixed up with polyamorous tho). I still haven’t told anyone about being enby though because I hang out with the few enby people at school and one of their friends keeps constantly getting misgendered even after repetitively correcting them. I do plan to tell my best friend — who I know will accept me for me — tomorrow or some time during the school week. Talking about it on here is helping me a lot even though it is anonymous. Have a great, gay day! (Non-binary/Polysexual)