When I came out it was to my (Mormon) dad as gay just a couple days ago. He was really understanding after the first few minutes of shock but it still hurt a little that the first questions he asked was if I had kissed a guy and if I had ever been molested. I am 16 and also Mormon so we have a few things to work out about my life. We have only talked about it a little since then and I think he is sad and still coming to terms about it, but he made sure to tell me that he still loved me as much as ever and this changed nothing between us. He is the only person I have told and I feel sad and don’t know if I can live a meaningful life what with the whole I-can-never-be-with-someone thing. On top of that I still don’t know if the gospel is true and am divided between wanting to be true to myself and not wanting to go to hell, although I would never tell that to him.