Story #1981

When I came out, it was to a group of random strangers my age at a summer camp. I figured, “Well, since I’ll never see any of them again, I might as well say it”. Then, one of the other people there said they were gay, and I was like, that’s cool. Anyway, since then, I’ve been coming out to more and more people. For some strange reason, telling a bunch of random people that I’d never see again made me more comfortable with telling my friends. My parent have yet to find out…. (Genderqueer/13/Pan)

Story #1980

When I came out it was to my mum one night. I hadn’t planned it but she asked if there was anything on my mind and I couldn’t keep it in any longer. I tried to tell her but I couldn’t say the words so I made her guess and I just nodded my head. We talked about it for 40 minutes and she said that she loved and supported me but it would take her a bit of time to be comfortable with it. My dad isn’t the next person I want to tell; hopefully that will go well too. (M/17/Gay)

Story #1979

When I came out I was 12, almost half a year ago… This was to one of my old friends through call since I had moved away a year ago. She was very accepting and then convinced me to come out to my crush at the time, who then tried to convince me to come out my parents but that was really hard. I ended up doing it, then I came out to my whole school. I only got a few blocks on social media but now I am known as the gay kid and that makes me happy. (M/13/Gay)

Story #1978

When I came out I only told one of my kind of friends but she was lesbian, so I thought she would accept me and she did (I’m trans btw). I haven’t really told anyone else. I told a friend and she asked if I like girls and I said not really, then she proceeded to tell me that I wasn’t a boy then. I haven’t told my parents but I will on January 23rd (my birthday) and I’m scared. (Trans[FtM]/15)

Story #1977

When I came out I was 16 and told my best friend and my parents. Back then I came out as bisexual and everyone accepted it. My parents, though, chose to ignore it and we never talked about it again. Now I’m 19 and I identify as genderqueer and pansexual, but I don’t have any intention in telling my parents again, because I know they would “just” accept it, instead of respecting me. So I stick with telling my friends about it and trying not to talk about my gender identity with my family. This way I make sure to surround myself with people who at least try to understand what I’m feeling. (19/Queer)

Story #1976

When I came out I was 35, and I came out first to my husband, with whom I had been for 18 years. I had fallen in love with a woman and my true identity could no longer be kept hidden. He was (he is…) the most wonderful human being. He has accepted me and freed me. It’s not easy to lose a relationship, a love, and a friendship as long and profound as ours, but I am gaining my truth. To all the adults out there in situations similar to mine… it’s never too late. Truth does set us free, even if it brings pain. But pain goes with time, freedom remains. (F/35/Bisexual)

Story #1975

When I first came out, it was to my friend group. They are very supportive (all either ally or LGBTQ+), and now me and my closest friends have a funny greeting for each other! Working on telling family. Hopefully around Christmas!!! (Pan)

Story #1974

When I came out I started by coming out to my best friend. It was over messages and I was terrified for the next message. To my surprise she said she already suspected and still supported me no matter what. Over time I’ve come out to more and more of my friends with most of them supporting me. I just hope the same will happen with my parents. (F/14/Bisexual/pansexual)

Story #1973

When I came out 6 months ago as gay to my parents, I’d made a plan to tell them that I was gay for 7 months, so in this year’s summer holidays I finally came out. It was pretty hard because my mother was in shock but my father was really accepting. After at least 5 conversations with them, they are finally accepting me the way I am, but my mom asked me not to tell everyone else. She doesn’t know that they were the last I’m coming out to. I came out to my friend and class 8 months ago and they were so lovely; everyone accepted and supports me the way I am. (M/16/Gay)

Story #1972

When I came out it was to my mom. We were sitting in the car and I was thinking of just telling my mom I was lesbian until my best friend texted me and said if I came out that she would have my back one thousand percent so I said f**ck it and I told my mom. I was sooooo scared though although I felt a relief of weight and pressure off my shoulders of holding that in for months. After I told her she just sat there in silence and just asked when and why I felt this way, and I told her I knew I was lesbian around the age of 13 and I found out when I was playing the game bottle spin at a party and I had to kiss a girl although I never was really that in to boys, nor was I boy crazy like my other friends were. I still have to come out to my dad and the rest of my family and friends although I will eventually. (F/Lesbian)