When I came out I was eight years old. My family wasn’t thrilled about it and took a while to use the right pronouns. They started by just calling me by my name, then using they/them pronouns, until finally they used he/him. It took years for them to comfortably use the right pronouns, and the past three or four years it’s been completely seamless. It took a while, but once they realized that it wasn’t a phase and that it was what I wanted, they became incredibly accepting. It will be hard at first, but after a while it gets sooo much easier. (M/17/FtM)
Story #2703
When I came out, it was over a text message. I made a massive letter and sent it on the bus with my (very) supportive friends. After school, I saw the reply and my mum said “ok cool”. Honestly couldn’t have wanted a better response haha. My mum even found me trans ftm friends. I now am living my best life as a guy. (M/13/FtM)
Story #2702
When I came out, it was back in June-ish of 2024. It was a youth camp thing and it was 11 at night and all the girls in my tent were just talking and for some reason the topic of queer people came up and all at the same time four of the six people in the tent cautiously came out as some form of LGBT, which I find hilarious looking back on it. I always suspected they’d be chill with me queer but not queer themselves. Anyway, that was back when I thought I was bi, but have since realized I am abrosexual and transmasc. I still haven’t come out to my homophobic and transphobic parents, but my pals always have my back. (Demiboy/Abrosexual)
Story #2701
When I came out as gay it was first at my friend over text and he was cool with it. My other friend asked me if I was gay in the midst of our conversation, and she was supportive about it, even asked who is my crush. I finally told my parents in a letter about my sexuality and they were super supportive. Still haven’t told my extended family but with my parents and friends with me I can do it. (Side note: I eventually told all my friends and they were chill about it.) I still haven’t told anyone I am non-binary. (Non-binary/13/Gay)
Story #2700
When I came out it was just to my friends. My parents are homophobic, so I didn’t know that girls and girls were accepted. In 7th grade I found out I like girls and told a few friends. I’m in 9th now and gave a letter to my crush at the beginning of the year and got humiliated by all of the people in theatre. Now I have a crush on my best friend. (F/14/Lesbian)
Story #2699
When I came out it wasn’t all at once. I came out as bisexual at 13 and came out as a trans man to my friends at 15 and to my family at 16. Trying to discover my sexuality was intertwined with trying to discover my gender and vice versa. I was trying to suppress who I was because evangelical family members called who I am a sin. I refuse to live in shame again. (Nonbinary Trans Man/25/Bisexual)
Story #2698
When I came out, I came out at 38, after a lifetime of repressing my bisexuality. A childhood spent being mocked for anything about me that was different had taught me to mask myself so carefully even I didn’t know it. Until a new friend showed me a path to realizing everything about me is normal. And I figured it out, and came out. And I’m happy now. I’ll always feel a sense of grief for the versions of me that never got to live, but I’m grateful to know who I am, to understand what happened to me, to love myself for who and what I am, and to live completely free of the shame that ruled my entire life for so long. I hope for a world where everyone can know this freedom. I’m out and proud because I want to build that world. There’s work to do and I refuse to hide from it. (M/38/Bisexual)
Story #2697
When I truly came out for the first time, it wasn’t planned. I’d been struggling with my mental health for a while, and one night, while texting my best friend (who I had already come out to as bi the year before) I let it all out. When he asked how I’d been doing mentally, I told him about my struggles with anxiety and depression and admitted that I had lied about being bi just so a part of me could still feel “normal,” even though I’m just gay, which really isn’t that bad either 🙂 I love you all — remember, you’re not alone in this! (M/18/Gay)
Story #2696
When I came out, it was a bit rough since I was already deemed a disappointment to my parents for being a teen parent. When they figured out that I was lesbian by going through my desk, they were clearly upset. But I didn’t let that stop me from pursuing my dreams. Now, I’m a therapist helping people who are going through tough times. To those who wish to come out, be brave and confident! (F/27/Lesbian)
Story #2695
When I came out, I first came out, rather shakily, to my hair stylist. The subject of my pronouns came up while she was talking with another hairstylist, and she so quickly said “He/Him” that I couldn’t step in and correct her. Later, towards the end of the haircut, I brought it up again, saying I wasn’t out yet, how I’m really They/Them, and she was very supportive. I’m still not out to anyone else, but am so happy that just one person knows. (Non-binary/Bi)