Story #1860

When I came out it was to my stepsister. We were generally really open to each other, telling each other about our crushes and drama. But as I started to discover myself I became more secretive, until eventually she sat me down and asked why I never talk to her anymore. After a lot of pestering I told her I was gay. Telling her was a big step in me coming to terms with it myself. I’m now officially out and couldn’t be happier. (M/15/Gay)

Story #1859

When I came out I was surprised by myself. I always knew what my sexuality was but I vowed I would never tell anyone. I told my best friend the day after we saw a gay coming of age movie together. She was extremely supportive and I’m so glad I have her. This year I went to my first pride and I couldn’t stop crying seeing all the love around NYC. Now it’s just time to come out to my extremely religious Chinese parents who asked me if I was going to pride to pick up girls… (M/15/GAYYY)

Story #1858

When I came out this year my mom started crying, saying that being gay isn’t a real thing and people just say that and started blaming things like the places we lived, my dad not being home enough, etc. My dad went and hit me, and I had a bruise on my back and I had to change for gym and someone, who I thought was super homophobic, asked what it was and I told them and they’ve been so supportive. Now I have a whole support group, haha! My parents have had multiple people talk to me to fix me. I’m not allowed to tell anyone… especially my brothers (I’m the oldest) because they don’t want me to do to them what “someone did to me”, make me “think” I’m gay. I’m not allowed to hang out with boys nor anyone who seems gay or seems like they would be supportive of it. They said I’m going to hell, my mom compared it to murder, and my dad said it’s the same thing as him having a relationship with a desk. But my friends are helping me get through it and it’s getting better. 🙂 I think (M/17/Gay/bi?)

Story #1857

When I came out to my friend yesterday, we were in the bus ride to a field trip. We were talking about how there was a time when I was very social and I brought up that there was something that had happened that made me less confident in myself (coming out to my close friends and parents). She asked what it was so I typed in phone, “I’m kinda bi.” She was/is supper supportive about it and we just talked about for a while. I’m so glad I have friends like her. (F/14/Bi)

Story #1856

When I came out, I was talking with my friend and she asked who I liked. I refused to tell her and made her guess the name. She finally put two and two together and asked me if it was a girl and I just nodded. I was super lucky that she accepted everything and actually knew what asexuality was. (F/14/Homoromantic Asexual)

Story #1855

When I came out, I was 16 in Year 12, but I had known since 13, and I told my friend I had a crush on someone. I was digging myself a hole because I had never talked about my crushes, so I dragged it out and was like, “Oh, I’m never gonna tell you.” Then I kept thinking about it in lessons. Then I ended up texting her on the bus when she was sitting right next to me ’cause I was too scared to tell her out loud. Then we talked about it and ate McDonald’s after. But it was the biggest weight off my chest. It’s going to be a long time before I come out to my family though. (F/17/Lesbian)

Story #1854

When I came out I was in a relationship with a woman for 8 years. She didn’t take it well and unfortunately we had to stop talking completely.

Luckily I met a very wonderful man and he has been a huge help through this. I love him more than I could have imagined loving another person was possible. More importantly I love finally being me. (M/25/Gay)

Story #1852

When I came out, my dad accepted me and he told me that he would love me no matter what. My mom is homophobic so I hadn’t told her yet. Three months later, my friend’s mom called my mom and outed me. My mom passed it off as a phase at first but when she learned that I had a girlfriend, she forced us to break up and now she pretends the whole thing never happened. She still plans my future with all the wrong pronouns. (F/13/Lesbian)

Story #1843

When I came out the first time was to one of my best friends, and I told her when I was fourteen. She was totally cool with it, and a month later I told my dad, who then told my mom. He wasn’t as accepting and we haven’t talked about it since. It makes about a year now. Last month I told one of my other best friends and she was super cool with it too. (F/15/Bi)

Story #1853

When I came out I was extremely scared. I noticed that I started having attraction towards females and yet I still liked males. I was extremely confused and I questioned my sexuality for over two years. One day I was alone in my room thinking and I finally realized that I was bisexual and I broke down crying. My close friend, who had come out long before I had, offered me emotional support and was able to help me see that my sexuality wasn’t something to be ashamed of but something beautiful to embrace. I came out to my friends and for the most part, they were pretty accepting, and some said, “We kind of knew already but we are glad you trusted us with this.” I still haven’t come out to my parents, but I’m slowly starting to build up the courage and hope to tell them soon. (F/17/Bisexual)