Story #1180

When I came out… it was actually an accident. My dad was checking through my phone and saw my notes on my phone about my concern that I was gay. They were pretty awkward about the subject for about 4 months but now it’s been a year and I feel great! (F/14/Gay)

Story #1179

When I came out, my friends thought it was awkward and weird. Our friendship kinda cracked and they don’t talk to me anymore. It’s kind of sad. (13/Lesbian)

Story #1178

When I came out, I told my best friend first. I thought I was gay at the time, but I now realize I’m bi. She was incredibly supportive and I love her for that. (Trans male/13/Bi)

Story #1176

When I came out, it was to my best friend. I sent her a picture of “Bismuth” (Bi) on the periodic table and wrote “I am” before it. She said she still loves me and that was it. Nothing has changed; it’s like nothing happened. (F/14/Bisexual)

Story #1175

When I came out to my friend of almost 10 years it was to tell her that I liked her. When I told her, she asked if I was joking. I said no. She said that nothing will change and I hope that they don’t. If she ever sees this I want her to know that I love her.

Story #1174

When I came out, I told my best guy friend first (I’m a girl). He said that he knew since we first met a year ago. Everyone thought I had a crush on him but he knew they were wrong. He still loves me and has been a great support!